Speculative Energy Futures uses arts-based practices to imagine alternative futures. We bring together scholarly inquiry and creative processes to explore diverse perspectives on the topic of energy transition, so we can re-imagine energy futures beyond what we currently understand to be possible.

Speculative Energy Futures is a collaborative, multi-year research-creation project, started in 2017, that brings together artists, activists, scientists, engineers, policy makers, and social science and energy humanities researchers to investigate the challenges and potentials of energy transition through artistic means.

Participants in Speculative Energy Futures research key issues, and develop arts-based outputs for a series of high-profile exhibitions that explore a range of pathways toward variable energy futures. All of these research-creation outputs are informed by the interdisciplinary expertise of the team—that includes policy experts, engineers, social and cultural theorists, economists, and artists—who together explore current research and imagine alternate futures as they relate to feminist and decolonial energy transition.


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