Mark Simpson is an energy humanist, who specializes in US culture—particularly in the decades around 1900—and also in material culture studies, materialist theory, and mobility studies. He is the author of Trafficking Subjects: The Politics of Mobility in Nineteenth-Century America (Minnesota, 2004), co-author of the multi-author handbook After Oil (W Virginia, 2016), and co-editor of Literary/Liberal Entanglements: Toward a Literary History for the Twenty-First Century (Toronto, 2017) as well as special issues on “Resource Aesthetics” (Postmodern Culture 26.2 [2016]) and “Traffic” (English Studies in Canada 36.1 [2010]). He has essays published or forthcoming in journals such as Radical Philosophy, Cultural Critique, English Studies in Canada, and The Canadian Review of American Studies, and in collections from presses such as Oxford, Fordham, McGill-Queen’s, and UBC.