Satoshi Ikeda engages in community action at Concordia University and in Montreal for the creation of post-corporate alternative economies based on social economy. Inspired by transition town movement, he develops member-owned and -controlled solidarity cooperatives that embody horizontal decision-making and post-colonial, post-patriarchal, and inclusive principles, while developing regenerative economies that provide livelihood through giving, sharing, and reciprocal exchange. His current research includes intergenerational regenerative community (IRC) and carbon catcher collective (CCC). The IRC project designs a space for community living for seniors, students, and child-raising generations. The objectives include overcoming old-age isolation, building communal life experience, and creating regenerative livelihood. The CCC project promotes carbon sequestration in the city and countryside through biological transition, with the ultimate goal of bringing global cooling. Biological transition is part of a socio-ecological-economic transition that regenerates ecological systems, society, and economy through local and decentralized initiatives that build local autonomy. These projects envision equal, just, and regenerative futures.