Just Powers includes various projects, ranging from intermedia documentary and artistic research to community-engaged participatory initiatives.
Public events
Intersectional focus
Scope and scale

Speculative Energy Futures
Speculative Energy Futures is a research-creation project that brings together artists, activists, scientists, engineers, policy makers, and social science and energy humanities researchers to investigate the challenges and potentials of energy transition through art.

iDoc is an intermedia documentary project tracking energy-transition research, discussions, and developments in Alberta, Canada, and beyond.
pîkopayin (It Is Broken)
pîkopayin (It Is Broken) is a documentary film project co-directed by Angele Alook and Sheena Wilson that foregrounds Bigstone Cree Nation members’ perspectives and insights on energy projects and activity within Treaty 8 territory.
Feminist Solarities: After Oil School
The Feminist Solarities: After Oil School workshop came together as part of the 2019 After Oil School 2 (AO2) in Montreal, organized around questions of solar, solidarity, and future speculations.
Activating Care, Shifting Relations
Activating Care is a research creation project initiated in 2022 by Dr. Sheena Wilson, Dr. Natalie Loveless and Dr. Rachel Epp Buller, Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Arts and Humanities at the University of Alberta.

Deep Energy Literacy Podcast
The Deep Energy Literacy Podcast features readings and discussions of scholarly work focused on the pressing energy and environmental issues of our times.
International Youth Deliberation on Energy Futures
International Youth Deliberation on Energy Futures is a collaborative international youth energy literacy and energy justice education program.

Feminist Energy Futures
Feminist Energy Futures is a research project that examines, documents, theorizes, and expresses how feminist practices can resist climate and energy injustices and re-invent just futures for all.
Perfect Storm: Feminist Energy Transition Game
Perfect Storm: Feminist Energy Transition is a role-playing game designed to enable players to explore and interact with the cultural politics of energy transition in Canada.
Action-a-Day Performance Project
Part of Feminist Energy Futures, Action-a-Day is a time-limited collaborative blog-writing project, led by Sheena Wilson with Natalie Loveless, Sara Dorow, Sourayan Mookerjea, and Janice Williamson.
Climate Justice, Technoecologies and Alternative Energy Futures
A collaborative and interdisciplinary workshop in Prague brought together artists, activists and scholars to discuss Canadian and Central European perspectives on climate.
Printmaking in the Anthropocene
The catalogue for Printmaking in the Anthropocene reflects some of the visual thinking taking place around issues of climate change and environmentalism.