
Sara Dorow

Professor and Chair, Sociology, University of Alberta

Sara Dorow’s interests include transnationalism, care work, mobility, gender and family, racial formations, and cultural economies of oil. For the last decade or so she has concentrated these interests in ethnographic study of the Alberta oil/tar sands, where she has studied raced and gendered relationships to place and community, the gendering of extraction through care work, and experiences and impacts of domestic and transnational mobility. Her work on these topics appears in Environment and Planning A; Geography Compass; Gender, Place and Culture; a special issue of Canadian Journal of Sociology; and the edited volumes Alberta Oil and the Decline of Democracy in Canada (Athabasca University Press, 2015) and Governing Practices: Neoliberalism, Governmentality, and the Ethnographic Imaginary (U of T Press, 2016). Sara is Alberta Team Lead for the seven-year SSHRC Partnership Grant project On the Move: Employment-Related Geographical Mobility in the Canadian Context (B. Neis, PI) and Co-Investigator on the KIAS-funded Research at the Intersections of Gender project at the University of Alberta. She is beginning to explore feminism, home, and place in the building of eco-friendly homes.